Kolloquium: Gastvortrag Prof. Dr. Vera Hoorens, KU Leuven

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Im Rahmen unseres Kolloquiums laden wir Sie herzlich zum Gastvortrag von Prof. Dr. Vera Hoorens, KU Leuven, zum Thema „A theory-minded experimental social psychologist goes applied and longitudinal: A journey to the land of COVID-19 (and back)“ ein.

Der Vortrag findet am 10. November 2021 von 12.15 Uhr bis 13.45 Uhr digital über Zoom statt, die Zugangsdaten lauten:

Meeting-ID: 640 3325 0201
Kenncode: 085447



In late March 2020, while I was totally immersed in my research program on comparative communication, an invitation landed in my mailbox to contribute to a survey on self-serving beliefs concerning COVID-19. I was invited on the basis of some old publications of mine on perceived self-other differences in the domain of health. Although I had moved away from to focus more fully on comparative communication, the combination of one of my great interests (perceived self-other differences) and the historical event that was going on sparked my interest. What began with a hasty survey on a convenience sample thus evolved into longitudinal and experimental studies. We found, among other things, that moralizing adherence to sanitary rules or vaccination predicted less, rather than greater willingness to adhere to the rules or get vaccinated, a finding that directly ran counter the intuitively chosen moral approach of many governments. However, the project above all developed into a source of learning experiences on international and interdisciplinary collaboration, intradisciplinary dialogue, efforts to weigh on policy, and all the pitfalls and opportunities involved in those. In this seminar, I share some main results of the project and reflect on the methodological, political, and organizational lessons that I have learned for my future research on comparative communication (and whatever other fascinating topic may come on my path in the future).