Gastvortrag: Margherita Cusmano (Max-Planck-Institut zur Erforschung multireligiöser und multiethnischer Gesellschaften), Göttingen
Im Rahmen unseres Kolloquiums laden wir Sie herzlich zum Gastvortrag von Frau Margherita Cusmano (Max-Planck-Institut zur Erforschung multireligiöser und multiethnischer Gesellschaften, Göttingen), zum Thema „Migration experiences and perceptions of socioeconomic inequality“ ein.
Der Vortrag findet am 25.06.24, von 14.15 – 15.45 Uhr, in Präsenz im Seminarraum 2.313 in der Nägelsbachstr. 49b in Erlangen statt.
Are people economically successful because they have worked hard, or simply because they were born into the right family? Explanations of socioeconomic inequality have implications for its legitimization and its perpetuation, as individuals may support redistributive efforts depending on the perceived causes of inequality. Studies have shown that location within the social structure—particularly socioeconomic status—shapes how people explain inequality. Yet Germany’s social structure is increasingly transnational. Almost one in five people living in Germany is foreign-born and a growing proportion of the population has a so-called migration background. In terms of stratification, people with a personal or family history of migration have a higher risk of unemployment and tend to earn lower incomes. But how do they subjectively explain socioeconomic inequality, and what role do their migration experiences play? In this talk, I will explore migrants’ perspectives on the causes of socioeconomic inequality through an analysis of the German Socio-Economic Panel. First, I ask whether individuals with a personal or family history of migration explain socioeconomic inequality differently than individuals without a migration background. Second, I test whether the economic and cultural characteristics of the migrants’ countries of origin play a role in shaping their explanations of inequality in Germany. Finally, I examine the role of stratification experiences in their explanations of inequality.